What is “EFX Clarinet”?

As a reflection of Evan’s current journey as a composer and performer, he wanted to utilize the “2024 Call for Scores” opportunity to get even more musicians interested in electroacoustic music. EFX Clarinet is the dubbed name for utilizing clarinet with guitar effects pedals. While guitarists have been using these pedals for decades, it is still considered a bit of a novelty within a majority of the acoustic orchestral instrument world.

With an easy to install pickup microphone (e.g. a Piezo Barrel), an instrument like the clarinet can be plugged into a computer program like a DAW or guitar effects pedals to open a whole new world of sound possibilities. Chris Mothersole, the guest professional performer the “2024 Call for Scores,” has been at the forefront of really showcasing classical clarinet as an electroacoustic instrument through adaptations of existing works, commissioning new works by composers, and writing his own compositions.

A streamlined list of effects has been chosen to highlight for interested composers. To the right (below on mobile), you can find audio examples of how the clarinet sounds when individually put through each of these 6 effects pedals. 6 pedals may sound slightly limiting, but utilizing different combinations of these pedals and their settings at the same time allows for an almost infinite amount of sound variety that composers will get to experiment with!

Why Commission for EFX Clarinet?
Evan is always looking for more ways to make sure the composers selected through the “Call for Scores” opportunity can find more ways to get their music performed after the promised premieres. Chris’s involvement with the International Clarinet Association has given attention to the instrument and inspired many more performers to start utilizing electronic effects in their playing. With such limited repertoire for the instrument, this is a great time to invest in a growing community of performers looking for music to play with this setup by composing some of the first dedicated pieces for the instrument.

To the left (below on mobile), you can find multiple examples of Chris Mothersole and Evan Erickson performing with EFX Clarinet in a multitude of ways. “DEMO” is Chris Mothersole’s own composition, utilizing several of the effects listed above to create a retro video game-inspired work. “Black Dog” is a staple acoustic clarinet concerto, and Chris’s performance adapts effects like distortion, delay, and flanger to breathe new colors into the work. “Cacophony” is a commissioned work by composer Jenni Brandon, demonstrating how even a single effect like delay can elevate the engagement of a solo clarinet piece. Finally, “Soul Searching” is a fully-improvised composition / performance by Evan Erickson utilizing a multi-FX board to craft unique sounds from the ground up.

Electronic music for classical composers is really paving the way towards the future of music, and this EFX Clarinet medium is a fantastic entry point into getting into the vast world of electronics. Chris Mothersole has created a standardized way of notating for EFX Instruments, which can be found here.

Clarinetists like Chris and Evan would welcome being sent new work for EFX Clarinet by any composers interested in writing for the medium, and hope these pursuits inspires more composers to write new pieces for the instrument.

About Chris Mothersole

Chris Mothersole, Guest Performer

Christopher Mothersole is Instructor of Clarinet & Chamber Music at the University of West Georgia. Prior to his appointment in 2019, he served as principal clarinet of the Great Falls Symphony and member of the orchestra's resident wind quintet, the Chinook Winds. His performances with the ensemble have been featured on Montana Public Radio and Montana PBS’s 11th & Grant, the “premier music outlet […] seeking the state’s most acclaimed, accomplished, and pioneering talent”, showcasing a wide variety of works and imaginative programming.

Christopher's most recent work places him at the forefront of clarinet performance with guitar effect pedals. He has presented on this topic for the International Clarinet Association on multiple occasions, demonstrating the enhanced sound capabilities of using live effects and working together with composers to create new music for what has been nicknamed "EFX Clarinet". Recent compositions and commission projects include two works by Jenni Brandon (Cacophony for Clarinet & Delay, Chansons de la Nature for Clarinet & Delay) and several of Christopher's own compositions.

Christopher holds degrees from the New England Conservatory of Music and Royal College of music, and performs on Royal Global clarinets as a Royal Global artist.